Beyond the soil | Water in Colorado

An aerial view of the Ute Mountain Ute Tribe’s crop fields in Towaoc, Colo on Sept. 23, 2022.
An aerial view of the Ute Mountain Ute Tribe’s crop fields in Towaoc, Colo on Sept. 23, 2022.

(Matthew Ross)

Related Topics:
Agriculture, Water

Colorado has been dealing with megadrought conditions for the last 22 years, with an accompanying increase in demand for water from population growth. As a result, water prices in the state are rising exponentially while farmers and ranchers are left with a hefty price tag. Farmer and rancher, Mike Peterson, and irrigation manager, Michael Vicenti, live on opposite ends of Colorado, but their stories are far more similar than one might expect.

This photo essay creates a geographically organized story using photos and interviews from the upcoming “Hold our Ground” soil health documentary series produced by Colorado State University’s Center for Science Communication.

To view the story in fullscreen, click here.

This story was featured in our series, Slipping through our fingers: The future of water.

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Soil health, storyfest, Water

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