Valencia College’s Climate Leadership

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Climate, Colleges & Education, Efficiency

Valencia College has reduced its energy use by 47% over the past three years through energy efficiency measures, while it has worked to infuse sustainability throughout the curriculum and college culture. Valencia College, located in the Orlando Metropolitan Area in Central Florida, is one of the largest Associate’s Degree colleges in Florida, with over 60,000 students enrolled on six campuses in Orange and Osceola Counties. Valencia’s exemplary reduction in energy use has come through construction of six new buildings certified to LEED Gold or equivalent, all emphasizing energy efficiency; from HVAC and lighting retrofits and a college-wide building automation system; and from a highly focused behavioral energy efficiency program. For more information, visit or the AASHE case study

This short video was produced by students from Valencia College’s Film Production Technology Department with the Office of Sustainability. Student filmmakers, recruited by Professor Robert McCaffery, were Deborah Ortiz, Gabriel Dorta, and Eduardo Salinas.

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