2018 Summit – Find Your Voice, Raise Your Voice: Student Storytellers

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Following Eyes on Earth, a panel of young environmental storytellers took the stage.

Storyfest finalist and Planet Forward Correspondent Olivia Urbanski, of Loyola University Chicago, talked about the video she made while studying abroad at Ol Pejeta Conservatory featuring Sudan, the world’s last male Northern White Rhino, who died on March 20, 2018.

Harrison Watson, of Jackson State University in Mississippi, and a Storyfest 2017 finalist and Amazon traveler, talked about the use of language in storytelling — how words can take us to a deeper place than images and sounds, and his interest in the intersection of religion and environment.

Anna Sumi a recent George Washington University grad, spoke of her adventures to Siberia in summer 2017, and the challenge of translating science. One major issue for these arctic urban areas is the melting permafrost, for their infrastructure is built according to the permafrost layer, and its degradation will disrupt the entire foundation of these cities.

Alaine Johnson of Yale-National University of Singapore, a 2018 Planet Forward Correspondent and Storyfest finalist, talked about her studies, which have her looking at how patterns of urbanization are effecting the way we are linked with the environment. Using yoga as an example, she said the instructor is telling you to feel the earth beneath your feet — but it’s kind of hard to do that when it’s 22 stories below you. 

Zack Smith of SUNY-ESF, and also Storyfest 2017 finalist, spoke of the magic of sound, and the power that vibrations have to transport the listener to a place.

Up next: What’s Your Sustainability Story? >

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