Student Experiences

Over the years, Planet Forward has published the work of over 2,600 university students worldwide. Many of those we’ve worked with have gone on to lead successful careers in journalism, advocacy, media, business, engineering, and more.

The stories you see published on our platform often represent the first time a young person goes through an editorial process for publishing. The learning they gain through this experience represents a key inflection point in their development and often directly shapes the long term goals of students who may never have considered careers in communication or the environment.

Hear from our students themselves: “How has Planet Forward impacted your career?”

Student Experiences

Joy Reeves, Assistant Director of Policy and Programs at the Rachel Carson Council

2023-2024 Correspondent, 2024 Storyfest Winner

“Becoming a Planet Forward correspondent was one of the most rewarding parts of my academic career. I knew I would be doing a lot of writing in the program, but never dreamed I would end up speaking on a creative storytelling panel in front of hundreds, interviewing top sustainability experts at Ford Motor Company, or reporting on marine iguanas on a once-in-a-lifetime trip to the Galápagos.”

Gabe Allen, Writer and Multimedia Journalist

2023 Storyfest Winner

“When I hit the submit button on my entry into Planet Forward’s Storyfest contest, I had no idea the consequences. Within months I traveled to Washington D.C. for the summit (my first time in the city) and met an amazing group of young people, academics and journalists creating immersive content about the environment. Months after that, I flew to Iceland alongside my fellow Storyfest winners, a truly inspiring group of aspiring storytellers. The connections I made and life I lived in each of my experiences with Planet Forward were so far beyond what I could imagine beforehand.”

Shondiin Mayo, Graduate Fellow at Indian Country Today

2022-2023 Member of the Indigenous Correspondents Program

“Through my participation in the Ilíaitchik: Indigenous Correspondent Program, I was able to acquire the skills and confidence necessary to share the unique perspectives of Indigenous people through storytelling. With the guidance of mentors and peers, I have gained a valuable network of individuals to exchange ideas with, which has contributed to a stronger presence of indigenous storytellers across the country. I am truly grateful for the opportunity to be a part of this network and to expand my knowledge with Planet Forward and beyond.”

Jake Meyers, Collaborating, Learning and Adapting Lead, ELEVATE Nutrition

2019-2020 Correspondent, 2021 Storyfest Winner

“In 2019, I was absolutely captivated by the power of storytelling and its ability to inspire people at the Planet Forward Summit. I later became a correspondent and decided to apply what I learned from the summit into my research in Kenya. Thanks to Planet Forward, I knew how to ask the right questions to help share the story of Francis Wachira, an urban farmer in Nairobi whose methods are key to fighting hunger and climate change. My story ultimately won Storyfest and was later shared at a UN conference in Nairobi, where decision-makers were able to learn from Francis. Ever since I’ve been discovering new ways to use storytelling in my post-graduate career.”

Harrison Watson, Ph.D. Candidate at Princeton University

2016-2017 Correspondent

“Planet Forward has done so much to bring people together, and it’s shown me that to inspire individuals is to get them involved. That’s probably the most inspiring thing that you can do, is let folks understand that anything is doable no matter how monumental the obstacles may seem.”

Francesca Edralin, Associate Specialist at the World Wildlife Fund

2020-2021 Correspondent, 2021 Storyfest Winner

“Planet Forward has given me the tools and once-in-a-lifetime experiences to hone my environmental storytelling skills. From an internship at Mongabay to a fellowship with Comcast, Planet Forward has connected me with some of the most influential media outlets in the environmental space and given me the platform to share my stories with the world. Most recently, Planet Forward gave me the life-changing opportunity to attend COP26, where I learned so much about the future of climate action and the role that storytelling plays in this movement.”