2018 Summit – Storyfest Grand Prize Announcement

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Colleges & Education, Past Storyfest Entries

Storyfest 2018 grand prize partner Sven Lindblad, of Lindblad Expeditions, stepped up onto the stage to join Frank Sesno and professor Imani Cheers, and the announcements commenced. Before each category announcement, a video highlighting the finalists and a sentence or clip of their work was highlighted on the screens.

The audience built anticipation as we waited for one of the three to open the envelope with the winner inside. Find a list of all of our Storyfest grand prize winners here!

The conference closed with all of our grand prize winners on stage, receiving a warm welcome from the Lieutenant Governor of the State of Alaska, the beginning of their excitement for their expedition to Alaska with Lindblad Expeditions in June.

See the finalists and all the Storyfest 2018 entries here.

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