Humans are not the only ones impacted by plastic pollution

<p>Plastic has various effects on shorebirds with the predominant impacts being degradation of health due to ingestion and entanglement. This is a global issue that is increasing in severity as single use plastic consumption rises. Through the anthropomorphism of these bird species, I aim to show how man-made products can have impacts on shorebirds that are disastrous. All of the photos used in this story, including the arms, were taken by myself. </p>
Plastic has various effects on shorebirds with the predominant impacts being degradation of health due to ingestion and entanglement. This is a global issue that is increasing in severity as...

This story uses humor and shocking images to convey the dangers plastic pollution imposes on shorebird species.

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Biodiversity, Past Storyfest Entries

Plastic has various effects on shorebirds with the predominant impacts being degradation of health due to ingestion and entanglement. This is a global issue that is increasing in severity as single use plastic consumption rises. Through the anthropomorphism of these bird species, I aim to show how man-made products can have impacts on shorebirds that are disastrous. All of the photos used in this story, including the arms, were taken by myself. 

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birds, ornithology, photography, photoshop, plastic, shorebirds, storyfest

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