Jiminy! Can Crickets Feed Starving Populations?

Our goal is to create a nutritious protein bar made of crickets. What started out as Bumu has now become Jiminy, the same cricket farming project to empower mothers and children around the world with...
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Business & Economics, Public Health

Our goal is to create a nutritious protein bar made of crickets. What started out as Bumu has now become Jiminy, the same cricket farming project to empower mothers and children around the world with much-needed iron and protein. Initially, our goal was to sell bars directly to aid organizations that fed at-risk populations in developing countries. To achieve this goal, we then shifted to create a protein bar to sell in the US and donate a portion of the profits to support cricket farming in cultures that already eat insects.

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Africa, Bumu, developing countries, Duruma, farms, food, iron, nutrition, protein, sustainable development

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