Greensulate: Rigid board insulation made out of mushrooms instead of petrochemicals

Editor's Note: Tune in on Monday to our segment on Bloomberg West to hear the latest exciting news from Ecovative! Mushroom materials can be used for a variety of building applications, including...
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Editor’s Note: Tune in on Monday to our segment on Bloomberg West to hear the latest exciting news from Ecovative!

Mushroom materials can be used for a variety of building applications, including insulation, structural insulating panels and acoustical tiles. These materials have low or no VOCs (volatile organic compounds), are fire resistant, and perform similarly to traditional synthetic materials.

Ecovative insulation helps you reduce the amount of energy used to build your home, and is a safer material for your well-insulated building. There are many great loose fill or batt insulations that are eco-friendly, but almost all rigid board insulation is made from petrochemicals, resulting in significant CO2 emissions during the manufacturing process. Proper construction with rigid board insulation provides a tighter envelope with fewer thermal bridges resulting in a more energy efficient building.

Mushroom insulation is safe to touch and can be installed without any special safety gear. Additionally there are no spores or allergy concerns associated with the use of this material, and it achieves a class 1 fire rating without needing toxic fire retardants.

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EPS, Greensulate, insulation, low energy, mushrooms, styrofoam

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