A Shipload of Algae

Meet the Admiral . He'll show you the new RCB-X "mean, green riverine machine" that runs on a 50 percent petroleum and 50 percent algae biofuel blend. Then, we'll take you on a journey to rural...
Lauren Hoenemeyer and Kimberly Kroll produced the crowd favorite at GW's Student Film Festival with GW President Steven Knapp, White House Environmental Executive Michelle Moore, Jeff Nesbit of the National Science Foundation and Michelle Williams of Volkwagen. Watch>>
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Meet the Admiral . He’ll show you the new RCB-X “mean, green riverine machine” that runs on a 50 percent petroleum and 50 percent algae biofuel blend. Then, we’ll take you on a journey to rural Virginia to show you more of the green stuff. Check it out, it’s a shipload of algae!

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algae, George Washington University, Great Green Fleet, Navy Energy, Old Dominion University, Patrick Hatcher, RCB-X, Rear Admiral Philip Cullom, riverine machine

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