Crow cowboys: A story of responsibility, respect and resilience

Stephen Yellowtail is a generational Crow cowboy who has held onto the Yellowtail ranching legacy on the Crow Reservation.

(JoRee LaFrance)

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Storyfest 2023

You will always see Crow cowboys on the land. They are first-hand witnesses to changes. This story is about a multi-generational Yellowtail ranching family on the Crow Reservation. It braids together a bit of history, the challenges and triumphs of adapting to different lifestyles, and the resiliency of Crow people, as well as, shares perspectives of the changing environment from the lens of two Crow cowboys.

JoRee comes from the Apsáalooke Nation in Montana. Photos were shot with a Fuji XT-1 Viltrox 24mm. Photo captions are italicized in the photo essay. Apsáalooke and Crow will be used interchangeably.

Crow Cowboys: A Story Of Responsibility, Respect & Resilience

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agriculture, indigenous communities, kinship, ranching, relationships, Tribal Lands

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