Last Call

Did you know that 1.3 billion tons of food is wasted each year? Or that just one-quarter of the food lost each year would be enough to end world hunger? Other countries have started to combat food...

The nonprofit organization "Last Call" aims to end food insecurity and food waste in the D.C. area.

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Did you know that 1.3 billion tons of food is wasted each year? Or that just one-quarter of the food lost each year would be enough to end world hunger? Other countries have started to combat food waste through passing legislation. For example, France recently banned all grocery stores from throwing out edible food. The U.S. is lagging in the legislature needed to fight food waste. In spite of this, organizations are taking the lead by combating food waste in local areas. GW graduate Erin McGeoy and senior Chloe King launched Last Call in February 2019 with the purpose of tackling food waste and food insecurity on college campuses. They provide a service that benefits both their restaurant partners and college students. The restaurants sell food at a discounted price to avoid disposing of them in a trash can. Last call encourages local D.C residents to sell out instead of throw out. 

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food insecurity, Food Waste, last call, storyfest, The George Washington University

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