Within shrinking sands: The displacement crisis you haven’t heard of

Within shrinking sands: The displacement crisis you haven’t heard of

Graphic by Marzia Zunino

Related Topics:
Biodiversity, Climate, Conservation

Sea turtles have been navigating the world’s oceans for millions of years, and they have a timeless ritual of returning to the same sites to lay their eggs. But now, climate change is forcing these ancient nomads to face an uncertain future, turning them into climate refugees. 

The exact locations where sea turtles have lived for generations are in danger due to rising sea levels, deteriorating beaches, and more harsh weather. We explore the difficulties these animals encounter in this comic, including how storms and warming temperatures are changing their environment and driving them to extinction.

But amid this crisis, there’s hope, as sea turtles continue their struggle for survival. This story serves as a call to action and a reminder that our destiny is linked to that of sea turtles. Come learn how climate change is affecting these beloved animals’ futures and what we can do to help preserve them.

Click on the image below to view the whole story!

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