New York University: The “Silver Buckshot” Approach

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Colleges & Education, Efficiency, Green Living, Policy, Solar, Transportation

This video is an entry in a contest we’ve launched with Second Nature’s Climate Leadership Awards. See below for how you can vote for it.
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Sustainability is rapidly changing the face of NYU, the largest private university in the US, a community of 50,000 students, faculty and staff embedded in the heart of New York City. NYU’s Climate Action Plan is a comprehensive strategy which seeks to engage the whole university community in the effort to reduce greenhouse gas emissions as effectively and rapidly as possible.

Through a ‘silver buckshot’ approach — including a new, high-efficiency cogeneration power plant, the city’s first free bike-sharing program, rapid expansion of ‘living laboratory’ teaching and research efforts, and programs such as Green Grants and a Sustainability Task Force designed to harness the distributed grassroots power of our community — NYU has already reduced global warming pollution by 33% in five years…

and we won’t stop until we reach our goal under the American College and University Presidents Climate Commitment (ACUPCC) to achieve climate neutrality by 2040!

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ACUPCC, climate action, cogeneration, education, New York University, NYU, Solar Energy, sustainability, transportation

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