Haiti: Out of the Wood, Into the Sun?

If Jack Bauer started an NGO devoted to climate change, it would probably be called the <a href=Carbon War Room (CWR). The organization (mentioned by CWR member Jack Hidary in his Planet Forward interview) takes an unusually hawkish approach to the challenge of "decoupling [carbon dioxide] emissions and natural resource destruction from economic growth," and they've recently put forth an interesting proposal. According to a March 4 article from The Economist, CWR CEO Jigar Shah believes Haiti should take advantage of its epic misfortune and rebuild its infrastructure on the back of solar power. Traditionally, Haiti has relied on firewood as a source of energy, a practice that has left the island largely deforested.
That type of unsustainable practice seems reasonable given the levels of extreme poverty and pervasive corruption for which the country is infamous. So is Haiti ready for a solar step forward? Been pondering this over the weekend and I'd love to hear what you think, please post your thoughts in the comment sections below.
If Jack Bauer started an NGO devoted to climate change, it would probably be called the Carbon War Room (CWR). The organization (mentioned by CWR member Jack Hidary in his Planet Forward interview)...
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Policy, Solar

If Jack Bauer started an NGO devoted to climate change, it would probably be called the Carbon War Room (CWR). The organization (mentioned by CWR member Jack Hidary in his Planet Forward interview) takes an unusually hawkish approach to the challenge of “decoupling [carbon dioxide] emissions and natural resource destruction from economic growth,” and they’ve recently put forth an interesting proposal. According to a March 4 article from The Economist, CWR CEO Jigar Shah believes Haiti should take advantage of its epic misfortune and rebuild its infrastructure on the back of solar power. Traditionally, Haiti has relied on firewood as a source of energy, a practice that has left the island largely deforested.

That type of unsustainable practice seems reasonable given the levels of extreme poverty and pervasive corruption for which the country is infamous. So is Haiti ready for a solar step forward? Been pondering this over the weekend and I’d love to hear what you think, please post your thoughts in the comment sections below.
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CWR, Haiti, Shah, Solar Energy

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