Finding Skä•Noñh

The Skä•Noñh Great Law of Peace Center retells the history of the Indigenous People of New York State (Haudenosaunee) from the Onondaga Nation perspective. The Onondaga County-owned...

Located on Onondaga Lake, what was once deemed as the second most polluted lake in the nation, the Skä•Noñh Center highlights what it means to care for the Earth.

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The Skä•Noñh Great Law of Peace Center retells the history of the Indigenous People of New York State (Haudenosaunee) from the Onondaga Nation perspective. The Onondaga County-owned cultural center has worked hard to collaborate with surrounding institutions and, more importantly, Onondaga Nation to accurately educate and inform the public on whose original land they reside on. Located on Onondaga Lake, what was once deemed as the second most polluted lake in the nation, the Skä•Noñh Center highlights what it means to care for the Earth.

As we head towards a future of climate catastrophe, collaborative establishments that share cultural values applicable to every human being, such as the Skä•Noñh Center, can help people recognize that we need to start taking care of the land that we live on.

If you would like to learn more about the Skä•Noñh Center visit: 

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