Greater Gombe Ecosystem Land Use Map (Madison Vorva/Pomona College)
Greater Gombe Ecosystem Land Use Map (Madison Vorva/Pomona College)
Given my experiences as a young conservation advocate for the last ten years, I saw a need to teach students the importance of interconnectedness, cultural awareness and systems-thinking skills through a spatial lens. I believe these skills are required for equitable and sustainable conservation decision-making in local and international contexts. This web-based lesson uses geospatial tools to teach conservation ecology vocabulary and concepts from high school environmental science curriculum. Its purpose is to show students how conservationists address complex conservation and land-use challenges using the Jane Goodall Institute’s community-centered approach as a case-study. My hope is that these lessons empower students to become change-agents in their communities.
Lesson can be found here: http://claremont.maps.arcgis.com/apps/Cascade/index.html?appid=8e2b5789b4ef43f8bb164c8ea562a4bf