C40 Cities Climate Leadership Group
Planet Forward Contributor
The C40 Cities Climate Leadership Group (C40) is an organization of large and engaged cities fromaround the world committed to implementing meaningful and sustainable climate‐related actions locallythat will help address climate change globally. Cities play a central role in tackling climate issues so byfostering a shared sense of purpose, this network of determined cities is an effective forum to worktogether, share best practices, provide leadership on a local and global scale and have a meaningfulimpact.
The current Chair, New York City Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg, along with the ten‐memberSteering Committee of other C40 mayors, guides the work of C40 by planning and measuring the impactof local initiatives that reduce emissions from energy, waste, water supply and transport, and increasecities’ resilience to climate change. C40’s goals, outlined by Mayor Bloomberg, include creating a robustand professional organization; building and maintaining participation and accountability of all themember cities; focusing program efforts on networks of cities; providing direct support to C40 cities;and achieving visibility, driving thought leadership, and communicating evidence. To learn more aboutthe work of C40 cities, please visit our blog live.c40cities.org and our website, http://www.c40cities.org/, and follow us on Twitter @C40cities.
In April 2011, President Bill Clinton and Mayor Bloomberg announced an expanded alliance between the C40 and the Clinton Climate Initiative’s (CCI) Cities program. This tighter alliance brings significant resources and infrastructure that will enhance and accelerate the historic activities of both organizations and positions the combined effort as one of the preeminent climate action organizations in the world. Learn more at www.clintonfoundation.org.
In early June, 2011, the C40 Cities Mayors Summit was held in Sao Paulo, Brazil. Gathering together Mayors from around the world, the event fostered sharing of best practices for combating the impacts of climate change. During the event, C40 also announced partnerships with the World Bank and ICLEI, and unveiled groundbreaking research on how cities are on the leading edge of climate change issues.