Storyfest FAQs
Confused about Storyfest? Look no further!
Confused about Storyfest? Look no further!
If you have Storyfest questions, well, we have some answers! You also might want to read through the Official Rules, which offers plenty of details about Storyfest. If you don’t find the answer you’re looking for, please email
Q. How do I post a story on Planet Forward?
A. We’ve created this step-by-step posting tutorial with images for you to see how to do just that.
Q. Where is the entry form?
A. There is no separate entry form! Instead, you MUST check the box that says “This is a Storyfest entry” on your story draft (see below). A form with a few more questions to answer will pop out. That’s it! Save your story and move on with your life!
Q. My story was posted already, but I didn’t know I needed to fill out the form on the draft. Can I still enter?
A. Absolutely! The easiest way is to email our editors at and explain that you’d like your previously published story entered into Storyfest.
Q. I used photos in my story from a website and credited the website. Is this OK?
A. Short answer? Probably not.
Long answer: Check the usage rights on any photo you use in your story. “All Rights Reserved” means you cannot use it because the image is copyrighted. An image must be licensed by Creative Commons or Wikimedia, and you MUST follow the rules for use, which likely include crediting the author and linking to the license. Public domain images also are free to use!
If you can’t shoot your own images (always the best option), you can find usable images online via or Do a search using keywords but make sure the search settings are “Labeled for reuse” on Google and “All creative commons” on Flickr. is another great resource for beautiful free images (just be sure to credit them properly).
Q. I copied and pasted my story from Word/Google Docs and my images aren’t showing up. What do I do?
A. Click the “Add Media” on the Draft Submission form to add images to your story.
Q. I want reformat and/or resize my embedded images but I can’t find the controls to do so. What do I do?
A. You can go to your account dashboard and click “Posts” and then the “Edit” under your draft. Select anywhere in your story’s text and then click “Convert to Blocks.” Now you can resize and reformat your pictures, subheadings, add audio clips, and/or embed videos.
Administrators and editors are available to help at
Q. I created my story using a website creation program (Adobe Express, Exposure, etc.), but I can’t figure out how to make that show up in my draft. Help?
A. As it is explained in the Storyfest rules, we need any entries created using Adobe Express or similar platforms to provide the embed code. You may embed Web Page stories using the “Custom HTML” block in the Word Press Story Editor on Planet Forward. If you are unsure of how to do this, you may also paste in the Embed code as text, which admins can fix so it appears as a seamless part of your Planet Forward story.
We also need an image for the top of your story so there will be a thumbnail when you see your story on the website. Otherwise it’s just a blank spot. We recommend using an image that helps summarize what your piece is about.
So, to recap, please provide:
1. A short summary of your story (100-200 words)
2. The embed code, which is HTML for a script (just paste it into the story field, below your summary)
3. An image uploaded in the “image” field (not “gallery), and please make sure you provide proper credit on it as well.
Q. Can I enter more than one story?
A. Yes! You can enter up to three stories. (Hooray! More chances to win!)
Q. Can I enter as a team?
A. Yes, BUT (you knew there was a “but,” right?): You should determine if you win how you will split the prize, as there is only one prize per winning entry. (See Official Rules.)
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