Turning will into way: A story of female empowerment

The Merry-Go-Strong nonprofit has teamed up with the Samburu Girls Foundation in Kenya to provide female empowerment through design opportunities. These design opportunities include providing...

The Merry-Go-Strong nonprofit and the Samburu Girls Foundation work together to empower women in Kenya through simple designs that can made a big impact.

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The Merry-Go-Strong nonprofit has teamed up with the Samburu Girls Foundation in Kenya to provide female empowerment through design opportunities. These design opportunities include providing resources for women to make native baskets and jewelry, along with engineering effective ways for women to carry clean water on their back for miles.

The women living in the Samburu Girls Foundation (SGF) have been rescued from female genital mutilation (FGM) and child marriage by Josephine Kulea, founder of SGF. Josephine Kulea raises money to send these girls to boarding schools so they can be educated and find their passions.

Lesley Sager, founder of Merry-Go-Strong, makes yearly visits to the Samburu Girls Foundation to help Josephine provide design opportunities that enables women to live a life of their own. Every design opportunity and every class is just one more step for these girls to form into their true selves. This is the story of what makes them. 


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