Three City Mayors Discuss Sustainability

As international treaties and federal policy-making stall, cities are taking the initiative, fostering innovation and fueling competition, all in the interest of adapting to climate change. The...
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As international treaties and federal policy-making stall, cities are taking the initiative, fostering innovation and fueling competition, all in the interest of adapting to climate change. The impacts of a changing planet aren’t theoretical for these leaders. For them, it’s adapt, innovate or watch their city’s future die.

Moderator: Frank Sesno, Founder and Host, Planet Forward
Vincent Gray, Mayor, Washington, D.C.
Mark Mallory, Mayor, Cincinnati, OH
Tommy Battle, Mayor, Huntsville, AL
Steven Knapp, President, The George Washington University
Melissa Keeley, Assistant Professor of Geography, The George Washington University

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Cincinnati, frank sesno, George Washington University, GWMoving, Huntsville, Mark Mallory, Melissa Keeley, Stephen Knapp, Tommy Battle, Vincent Gray

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