This Streetcar Brings Desire

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Green Living, Transportation

Meet the Streetcar! DC Streetcar will revitalize the public transportation system in the District. As lines continue to develop in the coming decades, so will DC.

Cherie Gibson of the District Department of Transportation says the streetcar will stimulate development and rejuvenate economically depressed neighborhoods (such as the H St NE Corridor), based on the overwhelming success of Portland and Seattle streetcars serving as development-oriented transit.

Proximity to streetcars will increase property values by $10-15 billion, according to Gibson. The expected result is $238 – 291 million in annual new tax revenue after the 37-mile streetcar network is finished. At that rate, it would take only six years for the city to recuperate the full $1.5 billion cost of the streetcars. After six years, the tax revenues would be pure profit.

With numerous methods to travel around the District and the convenience of being able to ride the streetcars with SmarTrip cards, we all have another reason to avoid sitting through DC traffic.

Source: DC Streetcar official site

Map of the proposed 37-mile streetcar network. The initial H/Benning line, shown in red, would extend west all the way to Georgetown. Additional lines are planned to go north and south through DC. 

Sources: Interview with Cherie Gibson (DDOT)

DC Streetcar site:

Movedc site:

Tim Palmieri is a sophomore at The George Washington University majoring in Journalism and Mass Communication.

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Alternative Energy, carbon footprint, Community, dc, Economy, Green Public Transit, h street, metro, public transportation, Urban Sustainability

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