Sciencecast: Climate Change Series – Episode 2

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Welcome back to Sciencecast: Climate Change Series! Twice a month, we will explore various facets of climate change through interviews with UW experts. In our second episode, we talk with Dr. Jim Hurley, director of the UW Aquatic Science Center and a UW-Madison professor in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, about the relationship between climate change and water quality in the Great Lakes. Produced by Katie Piel and Julie Spitzer.

Welcome back to Sciencecast: Climate Change Series! Twice a month, we will explore various facets of climate change through interviews with UW experts. In our second episode, we talk with Dr. Jim...

In our second episode, we talk with Dr. Jim Hurley, director of the UW Aquatic Science Center and a UW-Madison professor, about the relationship between climate change and water quality in the Great Lakes.

Related Topics:
Adaptation, Climate, Water

Welcome back to Sciencecast: Climate Change Series! Twice a month, we will explore various facets of climate change through interviews with UW experts. In our second episode, we talk with Dr. Jim Hurley, director of the UW Aquatic Science Center and a UW-Madison professor in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, about the relationship between climate change and water quality in the Great Lakes. Produced by Katie Piel and Julie Spitzer.

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climate change, Daily Cardinal, lakes, podcast, UW-Madison, water pollution, water quality

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