Resilience Ep. 1: How EVs are making Costa Rica more resilient

<p>This podcast explores the carbon control challenge in Costa Rica, and how one community organizer is working to help change the way her country moves.</p>

<p>It's necessary to focus on <strong>resilience</strong> if we want to build a sustainable world. A system that lasts has to be resilient to stress. The problem is, most people know the word, but don't understand what resilience consists of in this context. Through case studies such as this one, I want to offer listeners a chance to understand the climate fight from the inside out. This isn't a government issue, it isn't a community issue. It's everyone's challenge, and I'm telling stories of resilience to showcase everyone who helps. </p>
This podcast explores the carbon control challenge in Costa Rica, and how one community organizer is working to help change the way her country moves. It's necessary to...

This podcast explores the carbon control challenge in Costa Rica, and how one community organizer is working to help change the way her country moves.

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Past Storyfest Entries, Transportation

This podcast explores the carbon control challenge in Costa Rica, and how one community organizer is working to help change the way her country moves.

It’s necessary to focus on resilience if we want to build a sustainable world. A system that lasts has to be resilient to stress. The problem is, most people know the word, but don’t understand what resilience consists of in this context. Through case studies such as this one, I want to offer listeners a chance to understand the climate fight from the inside out. This isn’t a government issue, it isn’t a community issue. It’s everyone’s challenge, and I’m telling stories of resilience to showcase everyone who helps. 

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costa rica, electric vehicles, innovation, monte verde, podcast, resilience, Soil health, storyfest, sustainability, transportation

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