New Zealand

Down under they're moving way up. At least in the climate department. The world knows the best way to curb carbon emissions - and there's really only one way if we're serious about it. Put a price on its head. The more carbon you consume -- through your car, your factory, your business -- the more you pay. One big, bad, brave country has just done it...taxed carbon. Will there be riots in the streets? Will the people rebel? For now, check this out: <a href=">
Down under they're moving way up. At least in the climate department. The world knows the best way to curb carbon emissions - and there's really only one way if we're serious about it. Put a price on...
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Down under they’re moving way up. At least in the climate department. The world knows the best way to curb carbon emissions – and there’s really only one way if we’re serious about it. Put a price on its head. The more carbon you consume — through your car, your factory, your business — the more you pay. One big, bad, brave country has just done it…taxed carbon. Will there be riots in the streets? Will the people rebel? For now, check this out:

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