In Australia, native grains heal old wounds

The University of Sydney Native Grains team grows traditional crops such as millet and arm grass in cooperation with members of the Aboriginal Gamilaroi community of Narrabri, Australia.
The University of Sydney Native Grains team grows traditional crops such as millet and arm grass in cooperation with members of the Aboriginal Gamilaroi community of Narrabri, Australia.

Sophie Holztman

Related Topics:
Agriculture, Food, Justice

Grappling with the lasting effects of forest fires and colonization on their food systems, culture, and community, the University of Sydney Native Grains team is working with Aboriginal residents of Northern New South Wales, Australia to revitalize traditional practices. This spring, I traveled to the town of Narrabri with the team to dive into their projects, stories, and progress. On the journey, I found not just a renewal of an ancient food system, but a strengthening of community.

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In Australia, native grains heal old wounds

This story was supported by the Planet Forward Experiential Learning Fund.

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