Mayor Vincent Gray Says D.C. Will Be Fossil Free by 2030

Vincent Gray, mayor of Washington, D.C., attended the GW Moving the Planet Forward Innovation Summit at The George Washington University on April 17, 2012. According to him, Washington, D.C. will be...
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Vincent Gray, mayor of Washington, D.C., attended the GW Moving the Planet Forward Innovation Summit at The George Washington University on April 17, 2012. According to him, Washington, D.C. will be a “fossil-free” city by 2030.

Moderator: Frank Sesno, Founder and Host, Planet Forward
Vincent Gray, Mayor, Washington, D.C.
Mark Mallory, Mayor, Cincinnati, OH
Tommy Battle, Mayor, Huntsville, AL
Steven Knapp, President, The George Washington University
Melissa Keeley, Assistant Professor of Geography, The George Washington University

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fossil free, George Washington University, GWMoving, sustainable cities, Washington DC

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