Making Public Transportation Cool: Los Angeles Metro

This video is produced by EMBARQ - The World Resources Institute Center for Sustainable Transport. Los Angeles’ Metro is doing something that no transit agency in the country has ever done: it’s...
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This video is produced by EMBARQ – The World Resources Institute Center for Sustainable Transport.

Los Angeles’ Metro is doing something that no transit agency in the country has ever done: it’s marketing its products and services as if it were a private company bent on turning a profit. But for Metro marketing isn’t about increasing the bottom line. It’s about reducing traffic, cleaning the air and making people’s commutes in this auto-clogged city a bit less stressful.

Matt Raymond, the Chief Communications Officer for Metro, is the brainchild behind Metro’s marketing push. “The key to putting together the group,” Mr Raymond said, referring to the in-house ad agency known as Creative Services, “was that we wanted to make public transportation cool.”

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