Haven for Hawks

John Doremus has been keeping an eye on raptors for the U.S. Bureau of Land Management since 1972. After decades of field work, this retired wildlife biologist doesn’t need a map to find his way...
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John Doremus has been keeping an eye on raptors for the U.S. Bureau of Land Management since 1972. After decades of field work, this retired wildlife biologist doesn’t need a map to find his way around the Morely Nelson Snake River Birds of Prey National Conservation Area. A unit managed by the BLM Covering nearly half a million acres South of Boise Idaho.

With the highest concentration of nesting raptors in North America, this area is a prime location for research and preservation of hawks. Through banding programs, the construction of nesting platforms, seed collection and tree planting Doremus and others with the Snake River Raptor Volunteers are making a safe and productive habitat for these birds to thrive.

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