Greensburg: A Model to Rebuild From Catastrophes

In the wake of the Joplin, Missouri tornado, Greensburg provides hope for rebuilding not just successfully, but also in a sustainable way. I recently traveled to Greensburg, Kansas on a trip with GW...
In the wake of the Joplin, Missouri tornado, Greensburg provides hope for rebuilding not just successfully, but sustainably. Greensburg's takeaway message: "When you loose everything you have, your quality of life doesn't change if your priorities are straight."
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In the wake of the Joplin, Missouri tornado, Greensburg provides hope for rebuilding not just successfully, but also in a sustainable way.

I recently traveled to Greensburg, Kansas on a trip with GW Alternative Spring Breaks and spoke to the residents about the destruction and their determination to rebuild stronger not for today, but for the future. Greensburg’s takeaway message: “When you lose everything you have, your quality of life doesn’t change if your priorities are straight.”


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