Food + Innovation = Vertical Farming

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With the expected 9.6 billion people in 2050 and arable land becoming more limited, we must invest in new and innovative technologies now to positively impact global food security. My idea is to build Vertical Farms. Vertical Farms grow produce in a controlled environment, provide year-round farming and allows structures that are flexible with any location around the world. 

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With the expected 9.6 billion people in 2050 and arable land becoming more limited, we must invest in new and innovative technologies now to positively impact global food security. My idea is to...
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Agriculture, Food, Past Storyfest Entries

With the expected 9.6 billion people in 2050 and arable land becoming more limited, we must invest in new and innovative technologies now to positively impact global food security. My idea is to build Vertical Farms. Vertical Farms grow produce in a controlled environment, provide year-round farming and allows structures that are flexible with any location around the world. 

Check out my story :


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