Convert Automobiles to LPG to Save Oil

The government should give grants to people that have their automobiles converted to LPG.  It now costs about $1000 - 2000 to have a car converted.  Most of this is profit for the service station doing the conversion.  It only costs about $100 for the parts.  This would keep the cost of oil down and would lessen our dependence on foreign oil.
The government should give grants to people that have their automobiles converted to LPG. It now costs about $1000 - 2000 to have a car converted. Most of this is profit for the service station...
Related Topics:
Efficiency, Transportation

The government should give grants to people that have their automobiles converted to LPG. It now costs about $1000 – 2000 to have a car converted. Most of this is profit for the service station doing the conversion. It only costs about $100 for the parts. This would keep the cost of oil down and would lessen our dependence on foreign oil.

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automobiles, Clean Tech, Efficiency, gas, Green, oil, transportation

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