Congressman Israel thinks transportation is the key

Congressman Steve Israel of New York's 2nd District caught up with Planet Forward at ARPA-E's Energy Innovation Summit to talk about our energy future. He thinks the game changer in our energy...
Congressman Steve Israel of New York's 2nd District talks about our energy future. See what he thinks will be the energy game changer and set your DVR's because New York and New Jersey, Planet Forward's Energy of Innovation PBS special is coming to you!
Related Topics:
Efficiency, Transportation

Congressman Steve Israel of New York’s 2nd District caught up with Planet Forward at ARPA-E’s Energy Innovation Summit to talk about our energy future.

He thinks the game changer in our energy future is how we transport ourselves on the roads. He discusses different auto technologies including electric vehicles and hydrogen fuel cells, and explains why we need to end our energy reliance on adversaries around the world.

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