Building a better future relies on the past

For my project, I want to compare how less-developed countries (specifically India) produce a significantly smaller carbon footprint in comparison to more developed countries (specifically America)....

Sustainability for the future should rely on what has worked in the past and away from more production.

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For my project, I want to compare how less-developed countries (specifically India) produce a significantly smaller carbon footprint in comparison to more developed countries (specifically America). I also want to compare how traditional Indian practices are far more sustainable in comparison to what is being done today. The category my project falls under is Building a Better Future, but I kind of want to flip the question into going back to the past is a better future. We do not really to advance in technology all the time to create a more sustainable way of living. In fact, I argue it is much better to resort to a simpler and older way of living instead of in a culture of consumption. 

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building green, India, storyfest, sustainability, usa

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