A Barcelona restaurant looks to the past to create a more sustainable future

A dark plate sits on a wooden table holding artfully placed plant-based food.

One of the many plant based dishes at Rasoterra (Courtesy of Mariano Martinez)

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Beetroot gyozas, artichoke confit, and roasted pumpkins are among the many platillos, or small dishes, served at Rasoterra, a plant-based restaurant I visited while studying abroad last semester in Barcelona. The dishes, a unique combination of flavors from the earth, were unlike any other plant-based dish I had tried before. Before this year, I was admittedly not the most conscious or healthy eater — often avoiding plant-based dishes out of disinterest and ignorance. This changed for me after visiting Rasoterra, experiencing the joy of plant-based cuisine and learning about the Slow Food movement.

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A Barcelona restaurant looks to the past to create a more sustainable future.

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