Creative Writing Tips

Short stories, poetry, and allegories can be powerful ways of expressing yourself and coalescing a community around climate change action.

Although Planet Forward is primarily a non-fiction and journalism outlet, quality fiction and poetry will be considered for publishing. Take a look at the tips for getting your creative writing published below!


Creative Writing Tips

Short Fiction & Poetry

Creative writing enforces the least rules on you as a writer. You are free and open to explore your imagination and create stories that comment and reflect on the real world, the human condition, and the environment, but in a way that is more metaphorical than descriptive.

Fiction writing should reasonably demonstrate this connection to real world environmental issues through clear parallels to issues that people are familiar with. Interesting characters, strong conflict, and a narrative arc that intrigues readers are a must!


Short Fiction & Poetry

Tips for Publishing Creative Writing on Planet Forward

  • Write from experience! The easiest subject to become an expert on is yourself. So bring your own hopes, struggles, and memories into your creative writing.

  • Be concise. Shoot for under 1000 words. Reading on the web tends to lend itself towards shorter and punchier stories that leave a strong impression on the reader through brevity.

  • Include images. Supplemental imagery can include stock images of landscapes that evoke the sense of place your writing depicts, your own original illustrations, or photos you’ve taken that highlight aspects of your story.

  • Give context. Before diving into your story, include a solid introductory paragraph that talks directly to the reader and explains the inspiration for your story or poem, recounts the process for creating it, discusses the real world issue that the story comments on, and encourages the reader to read the whole story.