Joshua Massey
Arizona State University, Ilíiaitchik: Indigenous Correspondents Program (ICP)
ContributorJoshua Massey is an undergraduate student studying Public health with an emphasis in Environmental at University of Arizona. He is a member of the White Mountain Apache Tribe located in Arizona and currently resides in Phoenix, AZ. He is married and has two boys that are 10 and 18 years old. He is a Professional Archaeologist and Fire Archaeologist (Wildland FireFighter/Resource Advisor) for the Bureau of Indian Affairs with passion for the protection of Cultural and Natural Resources, which has led him to also pursue his Masters in Emergency Management from Arizona State University which he will be completing in the Spring of 2025. He is a member of the Department of Interior National BAER Team for cultural resources. In his free time he likes to play/coach baseball, bowl, hike, hunt and fish.