Biodiversity helps prevent Lyme disease

<p>The vitality and diversity of our ecosystems is essential to preventing the spread of infectious diseases caused by insects, specifically the Lyme disease virus transmitted by ticks. Lyme disease is a bacterial infection that can affect any organ or system in the body and has been spreading faster than ever. In my podcast I share my struggle with Lyme, educate on it's severity, and advocate for increasing biodiversity to reduce the spread of the disease.</p>

<p> </p>

<p>Image from <a

Background music, "I Am a Man Who Will Fight for Your Honor" by Chris Zabriskie

The vitality and diversity of our ecosystems is essential to preventing the spread of infectious diseases caused by insects, specifically the Lyme disease virus transmitted by ticks. Lyme...

Lyme and other diseases are becoming more common as climate change affects our ecosystems. Biodiversity can help in the fight against chronic diseases.

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Climate, Past Storyfest Entries

The vitality and diversity of our ecosystems is essential to preventing the spread of infectious diseases caused by insects, specifically the Lyme disease virus transmitted by ticks. Lyme disease is a bacterial infection that can affect any organ or system in the body and has been spreading faster than ever. In my podcast I share my struggle with Lyme, educate on it’s severity, and advocate for increasing biodiversity to reduce the spread of the disease.


Image from

Background music, “I Am a Man Who Will Fight for Your Honor” by Chris Zabriskie

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Biodiversity, climate change, disease, podcast, storyfest

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