Sanctuary at the springs: Fostering environmental connections at Orenda Springs

A ropes course at Orenda Springs known as the Eagles Nest.
A ropes course at Orenda Springs known as the Eagles Nest.

Courtesy of Orenda Springs

Related Topics:
Green Living, Justice

Olga and John Powers founded Orenda Springs, an experiential learning center in Marcellus, New York, to create a space where people can connect with the natural world in the same way they have; through adventure.

The mission of Orenda Springs is to provide individuals, particularly those from communities with limited access to green spaces, with transformative outdoor experiences. They have found that nature experiences have an incredible impact on personal growth and self-discovery for those who participate in their programs. Olga and John Powers both recognize broader societal issues related to access to nature, particularly for marginalized communities, but work with great passion to bridge this gap.

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Zipliners hover high above the ground at Orenda Springs in upstate New York.
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