Food for Thought – Mobile Farmer’s Markets

<p>Mobile farmer's markets are a relatively new concept, putting traditional farmer's markets on wheels to expand the clientele. It brings food to those who do not have access to it, and those areas are called food deserts. </p>
Mobile farmer's markets are a relatively new concept, putting traditional farmer's markets on wheels to expand the clientele. It brings food to those who do not have access to it, and those areas are...

Food for Thought is a podcast discussing the food that ends up at your table, and in this episode we talk about the potential solution of mobile farmer's markets for the issue of food deserts.

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Food, Past Storyfest Entries

Mobile farmer’s markets are a relatively new concept, putting traditional farmer’s markets on wheels to expand the clientele. It brings food to those who do not have access to it, and those areas are called food deserts. 

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farmers market, food, food deserts, food security, mobile farmers markets, storyfest

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