Create a Clean, Affordable Solar Power Service to Supply Energy

50% of the electricity in the U.S. is currently generated from coal. Coal power plants emit CO2, produce solid waste, and are highly toxic to people living close by. It's time to change the story of...
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Adaptation, Architecture, Energy, Green Living, Policy, Renewable Energy, Solar

50% of the electricity in the U.S. is currently generated from coal. Coal power plants emit CO2, produce solid waste, and are highly toxic to people living close by. It’s time to change the story of coal with clean, renewable energy.

However, solar systems traditionally cost anywhere between $20,000-$45,000, and that can make it too expensive for most people to purchase systems for their homes. But, instead of purchasing a system, homeowners can now purchase solar electricity! SunRun created the first residential solar PPA (power purchase agreement) in 2007 that offers solar power as a service.

Now, you can cut miles of transmission lines and avoid consequences of dirty coal and bring the solution right to your rooftop, literally.

Learn more about the story of coal:

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clean energy, coal, Fossil Fuels, home solar, photovoltaic, renewable energy, residential solar, Solar Energy, Sun

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