Button Up!: Fran Putnam and the power of community organizing

<p>This is a profile piece highlighting and celebrating the personal and political accomplishments of community member Fran Putnam. It shows the power of community organizing and individual climate initiatives via a written article and accompanying audio interview.</p>

<p>Click on the photo below to learn more and see the full story about Putnam:</p>

<p><a class=Button Up!

This is a profile piece highlighting and celebrating the personal and political accomplishments of community member Fran Putnam. It shows the power of community organizing and individual climate...

This profile piece highlights and celebrates the personal and political accomplishments of community member Fran Putnam. It shows the power of community organizing and individual climate initiatives.

Related Topics:
Adaptation, Past Storyfest Entries

This is a profile piece highlighting and celebrating the personal and political accomplishments of community member Fran Putnam. It shows the power of community organizing and individual climate initiatives via a written article and accompanying audio interview.

Click on the photo below to learn more and see the full story about Putnam:

Button Up!

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Community, grassroots, green living, Solar Energy, storyfest

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