Birds of a Feather: How the American Bird Conservancy is fostering freedom and diversity in birding

Naamal De Silva, Vice President of 'Together for Birds' at the American Bird Conservancy.
Naamal De Silva, Vice President of 'Together for Birds' at the American Bird Conservancy.

Mykah Scott

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Biodiversity, Conservation, Justice

Do you ever wonder what it feels like to fly? To be as boundless as a bird, uncaged and unburdened by the constraints of society — truly free to take flight. How can we incorporate the same sense of freedom and possibility that birds experience into our lives? For Naamal De Silva, Vice President of ‘Together for Birds’ at the American Bird Conservancy (ABC), the answer is through diversity and storytelling. 

To read the full story, click on the presentation below.

Birds of a Feather: How the American Bird Conservancy is Fostering Freedom and Diversity in Ornithology
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