气温持续升高,地球将会怎样(What will happen if temperature keep rising)

I'm a Chinese student .I have translated a Chinese author‘s article into English.I'm not good at English.I hope you can understand what she said.
<h4 id=气温持续升高,地球将会怎样(What will happen if temperature keep rising)
作者 宗雯 根据科学家的测算,如果按照当前的温室气体排放速度,20年内就会达到升温2℃这一地球生态警戒线。这将导致在社会发展和人类历史等诸多层面出现灾难性后果。科学家在对数千份科学文件进行精心研究后,向我们系统描述了地球气温升高后将面临的灾难。 According to the measurement taken by scientists,the global temperature will rise 2℃ in 20 years if the emission of greenhouse gas still keep its speed. It will lead to disastrous results of which is on many aspects such as social development and human history.Here is some words which can tell us the catastrophe we will meet when the temperature has risen. These words were given by studying thousands of scientific files . 气温升1℃,美国粮仓变大漠(1 ℃ was risen,American "granary" became a wide desert) 美国南部地区是美国的大粮仓,如果全球的气温在上升1℃的话,美国的“粮仓”将变为大漠,从而将人们逼出这一地区。今天全球最热的撒哈拉大沙漠可能会变得湿润起来,阿尔卑斯山的冰雪也将全部融化。澳大利亚大堡礁的珊瑚将会全部死亡。 South America is the "granary" of US.if the global temperature rise 1 ℃, the "granary" will become a wide desert,with the people who are forced to leave there.The hottest place,the Sahara ,will probably become moist.Snow and ice on the Alps will all melt.Great Barrier Reef in Australia will die entirely. 气温升高2℃,1/3的动植物消亡(2 ℃.....,one third of animals and plants will die out) 气温升高2℃,地球上将出现大面积的农作物歉收、水资源枯竭、疾病肆虐、海平面上升等恶果。格陵兰岛的冰盖将彻底融化,从而使得全球海洋的水平面上升7米。1/3的动植物种群会因为天气变化而灭绝1亿人处于缺水中,同时世界上绝大多数的珊瑚将会消亡。 If the global temperature rises 2 ℃,large area of crop failure,depletion of water resource,rapid spread of disease,Sea Level Rise and many bad result will appear to see.The ice sheet of Greenland will totally melt so that the Sea Level will rise 7 meters.one third of animals and plants will die out because of the weather change and 100 million people will suffer from water scarcity,with the extinction of most coral in the world at the same time. 气温升高3℃,气候彻底失控( 3℃..!the climate completely lose its control ) 气温升3℃是地球的一个重大“拐点”,因为地球气温一旦上升3℃,就意味着全球变暖的趋势将彻底失控,人类再也无力介入地球气温的变化。海洋大循环将会停止,地球气候就会变得很不稳定,某些地区也有可能突然变得很寒冷。 It is a momentous "turning point" when the temperature rises 3 ℃ because if it happens , it means we can not control the global warming,and humans can do nothing to retrieve the change of global temperature. Ocean circulation will stop ,and the global climate will become extremely unstable.Some regions will likely to be quite cold. 气温升高4℃ ,人类口粮吃紧 (4℃..!!humans' grain ration(provisions) tightened) 气温升4℃,对于地球的大部分地区来说都是灾难。此时,北冰洋所有的冰盖将全部消失,北极成了一片浩瀚的海洋,北极熊和其他在低温环境中生活的动物将彻底灭绝。南极的冰盖也将受到很大影响,南极洲西部地区的冰盖将与大陆脱离,最终海平面上涨,从而使全球的沿海地区再度被海水吞没。 It will be a disaster for most of regions on earth if the temperature rise 4℃.Meanwhile,all the ice sheet of Arctic Ocean will melt into a vase sea,with the extermination of Arctic bear and many other animals which live in low-temperature environment.There will be a big affect on Antarctica's ice sheet.The ice sheet of West Antarctica will separate from continent,finally lead to Sean Level.and the coastal area will be swallowed up by sea water again. 气温上5℃~6℃,95%的物种灭绝 (if the temperature rises 5℃~6℃, 95% of species can not survive) 一旦全球气温上升5℃至6℃,绿色阔叶林将重现加拿大北极圈,南极的腹地也会有类似的情景。然而由于陆地大部分被淹没,动植物无法适应新的环境,因此将有95%的物种灭绝,地球面临着一场与史前大灭绝一样的劫难。

In case the temperature rises 5℃~6℃,green broad-leaf will reappear in Canadian Arctic Circle,the same thing will happen in Antarctic hinterland.However,because,most of land which is in flooding makes animals and plants can not survive,and 95% of spevies will die out.The earth will face a extremely terrible catastrophe like the large prehistorical extinction.

哥本哈根气候变化大会开幕之际,欧洲多国爆发游行示威活动。英国、德国、法国、等民众通过示威,提出了发达国家须承诺在2050年前实现大规模减排温室气体的目标等要求,以表达自己对气候变化的关切。面对气候变化这个大议题,没有人可以置身事外。事实上,我们身边的很多人也都有意无意地改变着自己的生活,“低碳”已成为不少人生活中的关键词。 When Cop15 was held,lots of demonstrations were organized in many countries in Europe.In Britain,Germany,France,masses of people put forward that developed countries should promise to reduce carbon emission on a large scale ,showing their concerns of climate change.No one can keep himself(herself) out of the big issue of climate change.IN fact ,many of the people around us alter their lives in order to help protect out environment.So the words"LC(low-carbon)" has become quite a lot people's "keyword".
I'm a Chinese student .I have translated a Chinese author‘s article into English.I'm not good at English.I hope you can understand what she said. 气温持续升高,地球将会怎样(What will...
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I’m a Chinese student .I have translated a Chinese author‘s article into English.I’m not good at English.I hope you can understand what she said.

气温持续升高,地球将会怎样(What will happen if temperature keep rising)

作者 宗雯


According to the measurement taken by scientists,the global temperature will rise 2℃ in 20 years if the emission of greenhouse gas still keep its speed. It will lead to disastrous results of which is on many aspects such as social development and human history.Here is some words which can tell us the catastrophe we will meet when the temperature has risen. These words were given by studying thousands of scientific files .

气温升1℃,美国粮仓变大漠(1 ℃ was risen,American “granary” became a wide desert)


South America is the “granary” of US.if the global temperature rise 1 ℃, the “granary” will become a wide desert,with the people who are forced to leave there.The hottest place,the Sahara ,will probably become moist.Snow and ice on the Alps will all melt.Great Barrier Reef in Australia will die entirely.

气温升高2℃,1/3的动植物消亡(2 ℃…..,one third of animals and plants will die out)


If the global temperature rises 2 ℃,large area of crop failure,depletion of water resource,rapid spread of disease,Sea Level Rise and many bad result will appear to see.The ice sheet of Greenland will totally melt so that the Sea Level will rise 7 meters.one third of animals and plants will die out because of the weather change and 100 million people will suffer from water scarcity,with the extinction of most coral in the world at the same time.

气温升高3℃,气候彻底失控( 3℃..!the climate completely lose its control )


It is a momentous “turning point” when the temperature rises 3 ℃ because if it happens , it means we can not control the global warming,and humans can do nothing to retrieve the change of global temperature. Ocean circulation will stop ,and the global climate will become extremely unstable.Some regions will likely to be quite cold.

气温升高4℃ ,人类口粮吃紧 (4℃..!!humans’ grain ration(provisions) tightened)


It will be a disaster for most of regions on earth if the temperature rise 4℃.Meanwhile,all the ice sheet of Arctic Ocean will melt into a vase sea,with the extermination of Arctic bear and many other animals which live in low-temperature environment.There will be a big affect on Antarctica’s ice sheet.The ice sheet of West Antarctica will separate from continent,finally lead to Sean Level.and the coastal area will be swallowed up by sea water again.

气温上5℃~6℃,95%的物种灭绝 (if the temperature rises 5℃~6℃, 95% of species can not survive)


In case the temperature rises 5℃~6℃,green broad-leaf will reappear in Canadian Arctic Circle,the same thing will happen in Antarctic hinterland.However,because,most of land which is in flooding makes animals and plants can not survive,and 95% of spevies will die out.The earth will face a extremely terrible catastrophe like the large prehistorical extinction.


When Cop15 was held,lots of demonstrations were organized in many countries in Europe.In Britain,Germany,France,masses of people put forward that developed countries should promise to reduce carbon emission on a large scale ,showing their concerns of climate change.No one can keep himself(herself) out of the big issue of climate change.IN fact ,many of the people around us alter their lives in order to help protect out environment.So the words”LC(low-carbon)” has become quite a lot people’s “keyword”.

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