Meghan Chapple
Director, GW Office of Sustainability
Meghan Chapple is Director of the Office of Sustainability, Co-Director of SustainableGW, and Senior Advisor on University Sustainability Initiatives at the George Washington University. She brings expertise on business strategy, innovation, organizational change, and sustainability education. Chapple has led GW through its comprehensive sustainability strategy process, and has established the university’s reputation as a hotbed for sustainability innovation, experimentation, and demonstration in and out of the classroom. As a result, the university hosts innovations on student-community entrepreneurship, renewable energy, urban farming, green buildings, and pocket parks, all with unique partners, financial models, and technologies. She also served as the co-chair of GW's Innovation Task Force. Prior to this, Chapple advised corporations at SustainAbility, managed the business education network at World Resources Institute, and served in AmeriCorps with Public Allies Chicago. She continues to advise leaders in the public, private, and higher education sectors.