The Planet Forward Consortium is a member-based network of colleges and universities that focuses on community building, advancement, and support of environmental and science communication to tell the stories of invention and innovation that can move our planet forward.
We bring those engaged in environmental storytelling together to learn from each other and partner on improving and advancing storytelling, media, and education.
The Pillar Schools invest in the project through sponsorship and receive benefits for students, faculty, and the institution.
Undergraduate and graduate students in higher education can contribute stories to Planet Forward. Student Correspondents apply in a competitive process to produce regular content during an academic year. Student Contributors occasionally submit content to be published on Planet Forward.
Correspondents and contributors to receive editorial support from our multimedia team, who guide students through fact-checking, editing, and revisions before publishing. Contributors may also enter our annual Storyfest competition, which rewards the best student environmental storytelling each academic year.
Planet Forward Consortium member schools serve as thought leaders and innovators, and their top-tier students from a range of academic backgrounds work with us remotely from across the U.S. Key benefits of membership in this network includes editorial mentoring, an avenue to publish with us on the Planet Forward, and idea exchange with other members.
Members directly benefit from working with the media practitioners on our team to improve their storytelling and environmental communication while joining a rich and diverse national network.
Exclusive opportunities for faculty and students include highlighting knowledge-sharing and advancing leading-edge solutions.