Overpopulation driving vehicle emissions

Overpopulation is a global issue that leads to the increased use of vehicles by humans, which in turn causes a heightened amount of CO2 emissions to be released into the environment. To assist in...

Overpopulation is a global issue that leads to the increased use of vehicles by humans, which in turn causes a heightened amount of CO2 emissions to be released into the environment.

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Past Storyfest Entries, Transportation

Overpopulation is a global issue that leads to the increased use of vehicles by humans, which in turn causes a heightened amount of CO2 emissions to be released into the environment. To assist in solving this issue, possible solutions include utilizing more public transportation methods, taking bikes and scooters to desired locations, and carpooling when able.

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automobiles, CO2, emissions, overpopulation, public transportation, storyfest, transportation

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